Los Angeles Bail Bonds: Fact & Fiction
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Tag Archives: Los Angeles bail bondsman

Step-by-Step Bail Bonds Process

To break it down as simply and easily as possible so that everyone can understand, here is the bail bonds process that 1-800-BAIL-BOND deals with almost every day in our Los Angeles office.

Challenges to Professional Bail Bondsmen

Day-to-day life as a bail bondsman in Los Angeles is tough enough. We deal with criminals and police officers every day. Sometimes we have to make difficult decisions about whether or not to grant bail to a potential client. And every day we put our lives at risk in a dangerous profession.

Don’t Blame the Bail Bondsmen, Blame the System

Just over two years ago, in December 2009, Seattle was struck by a major tragedy when four off-duty police officers were gunned down in a coffee shop and died. The suspect, who fled the scene, was later identified as Maurice Clemmons, and shot before he could be arrested.
The bail bonds business that posted his bond six days prior to the event was temporarily shut down, despite being a 24-hour business, due to investigations that they did not spend enough time looking into his past and potential commit a crime.

California Jails Becoming Overcrowded with More Prisoners than Anticipated

California Jails Becoming Overcrowded with More Prisoners than Anticipated

Following a decision by the U.S. Supreme Court that forced California State to reduce the population of its state prisons by 30,000, county jails have experienced the burden of overcrowding.
California’s prison diversion program, a highly controversial mandate, is looking worse than ever as the actual number of dispersed prisoners has greatly exceeded projections.

Lindsay Lohan Legal Roller Coaster Continues

Lindsay Lohan Legal Roller Coaster Continues

Hollywood’s favorite celebrity jailbird is back at it. Again. If you have your head in the sand, or if you’re like me and start getting a ringing migraine whenever Miss Lohan’s name is mentioned, then you may not be informed about her exciting week.

Los Angeles Bail Enforcement

What is often only glossed over is the Los Angeles bail enforcement when the arrested person skips his trial and flees. In this scenario, it becomes necessary for the bail bonds company to track down the suspect in order to retrieve the money they could lose…

FBI Informant Caught with Cell Phone in Los Angeles County Jail in Sting Operation

Ever wonder what it is like to be inside an LA County jail? Well, apparently FBI does.

FBI agents managed to sneak a cell phone into the Los Angeles County jail cell of an inmate in order for him to report what took place inside. These are the nation’s largest jail system and are notorious for inmate beatings and deputy misconduct, although the allegations have proven difficult to confirm. There have also been reports of riots, killings, formation of gangs, and outdated facilities. It appears the FBI could no longer stand by idly allowing these human rights violations to occur.

How Bail Works

Bailing someone out of jail is a fairly standard process, involving the release of an arrestee in exchange for money. This payment can be thought of as “insurance” that the defendant will attend every court date. Trials often take weeks or months, sometimes even years, to work their way through the judicial system and reach a conclusion, so bail allows the arrested person to live freely and await trial from home under the Constitutional Right of being innocent until proven guilty.

History of Bail Bonds

Today, bail bonds in Los Angeles are the common means to release an arrestee from a jail, sheriff’s station or holding facility. But how did the tradition of using bail bonds get started in the first place? Here is a primer on how bail evolved into its current state. European Bail Bonds The origin of […]

Bail Bonds Agents: What to Know

If you ever face the trying situation of learning that a friend, family member, or close acquaintance has been arrested in Southern California, you will most likely have to contact a Los Angeles bail bonds agent. It is simply too expensive for most ordinary people to pay the entire bail bonds, which can be one […]