What to Do if the Person You Bailed Out Runs Away

On numerous occasions, we have warned about the potential harm that can come from being the indemnitor, or bail bonds signer, if you do not have a close relationship with the arrestee. We normally recommend that a relative, spouse, or very close friend take on this responsibility, because the released person will be less likely to leave that individual high and dry.

To recap, an indemnitor is the person who signs the bail bond and takes responsibility of the arrestee, ensuring that he attend every court date. Should the defendant skip the trial or runaway, the indemnitor could be held accountable for paying the entirety of the bail bond. If the indemnitor is a family member, the chances of abandonment are greatly reduced.

That being said, sometimes the defendant will flee anyways. If you have reason to suspect that this has occurred, do not wait around hoping that the individual will make the “right” choice and turn himself in.

First, try to contact the arrestee through close friends and acquaintances. Plead your case; you will be in debt to the bail bond agency if they do not help.

If that does not create any leads, the second step is to let these friends know that you want the defendant to call you. Leave your number, if you feel safe doing so, and tell them to pass along the message if the defendant contacts them.

Finally, tell your bail bondsman. This can be hard, and you may fear severe consequences, but this shouldn’t deter you. At 1-800-BAIL-BOND, we have seen many bail jumpers and, let us tell you, missing the court date is the worse scenario. Skipping court will build the prosecutor’s case against you and potentially increase your jail time.

The purpose of mentioning this is to manage the situation. We are practiced at tracking people down, so we could be of some help.

You did a kind deed by signing the bail bonds, you shouldn’t be punished for it.

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